Understand How Blockchain Works in Detail


Blockchain is one of the main technologies and innovations of recent years. She's a block chain which groups a set of information connected through encryption, allowing transactions safe. The blockchain works like a public ledger, recording all transactions quickly and safely. It was created with the aim of ensuring that no one can commit fraud, making each transaction traceable from the moment it was created. Unlike private networks, blockchain allows data to be shared by everyone without the need for permission. It was developed from a crypto-anarchist idea and gained prominence with the launch of Bitcoin in 2008.

Main points

  • Blockchain is a block chain that connects information through encryption
  • It is a public ledger that records transactions quickly and safely
  • Guarantees the security and traceability of transactions
  • Allows data sharing by all network participants
  • It was driven by the launch of Bitcoin

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain can be understood as a block chain which contains information connected through encryption. Is technology which allows for the secure and transparent recording of financial transactions and other operations. It works like a large public ledger, where all transactions are recorded quickly and securely.


The great innovation of blockchain was the storage of data sequentially, without needing a centralized entity to coordinate the process. Network users themselves can check whether the rules are being followed. Furthermore, blockchain allows data to be shared by all participants in the network, without the need for permission. That technology is essential to ensure the security and integrity of transactions in various sectors.


The image below illustrates the concept of blockchain:

Characteristics Benefits
Security Transactions encrypted and verified by network users.
Transparency All transactions are recorded and can be publicly audited.
Integrity Transactions once recorded are immutable and protected against retroactive changes.
Decentralization It does not depend on a centralized entity to coordinate transactions.
Speed Transactions are recorded quickly and efficiently.

How did Blockchain come about?

The idea of blockchain did not come out of nowhere, it was developed from the efforts of groups of crypto-anarchists who sought to create a secure and private digital currency.

In 2008, an unknown individual named Satoshi Nakamoto, published an article about the Bitcoin, a new blockchain-based electronic money system.

"A blockchain technology allows digital currencies to be sent directly from one party to another without the need for an intermediary financial institution.” – Satoshi Nakamoto

This article presented the idea of a decentralized and secure digital currency, which avoided the problem of double spending.

With the emergence of Bitcoin, blockchain began to gain prominence and be recognized as a technology innovative.

Main stages in the emergence of Blockchain:

  1. Development of the idea of a secure and private digital currency by groups of crypto-anarchists.
  2. Publication of the article about Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.
  3. Recognition of blockchain as an innovative technology.

The figure below illustrates the evolution of blockchain from its inception to the present day:

Stages of the emergence of Blockchain
2008 Publication of the article about Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto
2009 Launch of Bitcoin and beginning of the use of blockchain
2014 Expansion of blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies
2021 Blockchain applications in various sectors of the economy

Through the work of Satoshi Nakamoto and the popularization of Bitcoin, blockchain has become a fundamental technology for ensuring the security and integrity of transactions.

How does Blockchain work?

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that works by ordering blocks of information in a sequential chain. Each block contains detailed data, such as the date and time of the transaction, amount transacted, parties involved and unique hashes that identify each transaction.

Every 10 minutes, on average, a new block is generated on the blockchain. Miners, which are network nodes with computational capacity, compete to solve a mathematical puzzle related to the transaction and validate the block. When a miner finds the solution, the block is considered valid by other nodes in the network.

Network nodes check the solution provided by miners and decide on the longest sequence of blocks Next. A validation block is fast and consumes little energy, making the process efficient and safe.

“The blockchain guarantees the security of transactions by recording only movements and not allowing a block to be changed without affecting all blocks subsequent ones.”

This characteristic of immutability of blockchain is essential to guarantee the integrity of transactions, making them practically inviolable. Any attempt to alter a block in the chain would require modifying all subsequent blocks, which is virtually impossible to accomplish without being detected.

The following table illustrates the process of how blockchain works:

Block Date and time Quantity Transacted Related parties Transaction Hash
1 10/01/2022 09:24 1 BTC User A, User B 9a5e566b7880a2dd1c074b3618f9729f
2 10/01/2022 09:32 0.5 BTC User C, User D baa0e4f1b4229e2d5c943fbcd47d57c4
3 10/01/2022 09:40 2 BTC User A, User D 759e267e8ac44a0a53fc3ba92ca61bce

This is just a simplified representation of the how blockchain works. In practice, each block contains multiple transactions and the number of blocks in the chain can be much larger.

Blockchain presents an innovative and secure way to record and validate transactions. Its decentralized and transparent operation brings reliability and efficiency to several areas, from cryptocurrencies to supply chain management and digital identities.

Continue reading to learn more about the use of blockchain for cryptocurrencies and its characteristics.

Using Blockchain for Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain is widely used for transactions with cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

It protects transactions through the Proof of Work mechanism, which requires a high expenditure of energy on the part of miners.

These miners are rewarded with new coins and transaction fees, encouraging network protection.

Blockchain security is guaranteed by the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm, which is almost impossible to crack.

Network protection increases over time as more miners invest in specialized equipment.

Blockchain also allows transparency and free access to transaction information, which guarantees trust and efficiency.

uso da blockchain

Features of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain has three main characteristics that make it a revolutionary technology: decentralization, transparency It is immutability.

A decentralization It is one of the main differentiators of blockchain. Unlike traditional systems, it does not rely on a centralized entity to coordinate transactions. This means that transactions can occur peer-to-peer, without the need for third-party permission. This characteristic makes the blockchain more resistant to attacks and failures, in addition to increasing the scalability and efficiency of transactions.

Transparency is another fundamental feature of blockchain. Using this technology, all transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, allowing anyone to audit transactions in real time. This brings benefits both for trust between participants and for resolving problems and disputes.

A immutability it is a key aspect of blockchain. Once a transaction is included in the blockchain and validated by network users, it becomes immutable, that is, it cannot be changed retroactively. This ensures the integrity of transactions and prevents fraud or data manipulation. The immutability of blockchain is possible thanks to the use of advanced cryptography and consensus algorithms.

“Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that offers unique features such as decentralization, transparency and immutability, making it a reliable and secure option for various applications.”

By understanding and taking advantage of these blockchain characteristics, it is possible to create innovative solutions and transform various sectors of the economy. From financial transactions to asset records, blockchain is revolutionizing the way we handle information and ensure its integrity.

Read on to find out how blockchain is used for cryptocurrency transactions.


A blockchain technology It has revolutionized several sectors of the economy, being considered one of the most important innovations in recent years. Its ability to guarantee security, transparency and integrity of transactions has provided significant benefits for companies and users in general.

O use of blockchain goes far beyond cryptocurrency transactions. It has been successfully applied to asset registries, supply chain management, digital identities and more. Its versatility and efficiency open up a range of possibilities in terms of process optimization and data security.

O future of technology blockchain is promising, with projections indicating a global application market that will accumulate US$ 20 billion in revenue by 2024. To take advantage of all the advantages this technology offers, it is important to know and understand how blockchain works. Staying up to date with the trends and applications emerging in this area is essential to remain competitive and be prepared for the transformations that the future holds.


How does blockchain work?

Blockchain is a chain of blocks that groups a set of information connected through cryptography, allowing secure and fast transactions. It works like a public ledger, recording all transactions in a transparent and immutable way. Every 10 minutes, a new block is generated and miners compete to validate and add the block to the chain.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that allows for the secure and transparent recording of financial transactions and other operations. It works like a large public ledger, where all transactions are recorded quickly and securely. The great innovation of blockchain is the storage of data sequentially, without the need for a centralized entity to coordinate the process.

How did blockchain come about?

The idea of blockchain emerged from the efforts of groups of crypto-anarchists who sought to create a secure and private digital currency. In 2008, an unknown individual named Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper that presented the idea of Bitcoin, a blockchain-based electronic money system. With the emergence of Bitcoin, blockchain began to gain prominence and be recognized as an innovative technology.

How does blockchain work?

Blockchain works by ordering blocks of information in a sequential chain. Each block contains information such as date, time, amount transacted, parties involved and unique hashes that identify each transaction. Miners compete to solve a transaction-related mathematical puzzle and validate the block. Network nodes check the solution provided by miners and decide which is the longest sequence of blocks to follow. That validation It is fast and consumes little energy.

How is blockchain used for cryptocurrencies?

Blockchain is widely used for transactions with cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. It protects transactions through the Proof of Work mechanism, which requires a high expenditure of energy on the part of miners. The security of the blockchain is guaranteed by the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm, which is almost impossible to decipher. Furthermore, blockchain allows transparency and free access to transaction information, which guarantees trust and efficiency.

What are the characteristics of blockchain technology?

Blockchain has three main characteristics: decentralization, transparency and immutability. It does not depend on a centralized entity to coordinate transactions, allowing them to be carried out in a peer-to-peer manner, without the need for permission. Blockchain transparency allows all transactions to be audited publicly and in real time. Furthermore, once a transaction is included in the blockchain and validated by users, it becomes immutable, making retroactive changes impossible.

What is the importance of blockchain?

Blockchain is one of the most important technologies in recent years, as it guarantees security, transparency and integrity of transactions. It is being used not only for cryptocurrency transactions, but also for asset registries, supply chain management, digital identities, and more. O future of technology Blockchain is promising, with estimates of a global market for blockchain applications that will accumulate US$ 20 billion in revenue by 2024.

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