Discover Nutritional Information of Foods through Labels


You food labels These are tables that contain information about the amounts and types of nutrients present in foods and products. Know how to read food labels facilitates decisions when choosing a product. You food labels offer crucial data on nutritional information, allowing you to know the nutritional value of the food you consume.

A nutritional table, also known as nutritional information or nutritional information table nutritional value, is one of the main elements present on food labels. But it provides information about the amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, sodium and other nutrients present in the food.


Additionally, food labels also include information about the ingredients present in the product. The list of ingredients shows the components used in the manufacture of the food, in descending order of quantity.


This information is especially important for people with dietary restrictions or allergies, as it allows them to identify potentially harmful ingredients or triggers of allergic reactions.

To facilitate access to these nutritional information, there are several smartphone apps that allow you to scan food labels and provide details about their composition.

But some of the most popular apps include Desrotulando, which offers information about ingredients, sugar, fats and more; Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter, which helps count calories and macronutrients; and Open Food Facts, which provides nutritional data of food from various brands.


You can download these apps from the Google Play Store by clicking on the links below:

Now, you have all the information you need to make the most of food labels and make more informed decisions about your diet and health.

How to Read Food Labels

Learn to read food labels and find Nutritional information that matter for your daily health and well-being. But by observing food labels, you can ensure better choices, help maintain a healthier diet and pay attention to ingredients that are not recommended. Check the type of food preservation, evaluate the energy value and percentage of sodium.

To facilitate the process of reading food labels, there are applications available for download that can help you with this task. But some popular apps are: Desrotulando, Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter and Open Food Facts. These apps provide detailed information about foods and products, allowing you to scan label barcodes and have immediate access to nutritional information.

Benefits of Reading LabelsRecommended Applications
Helps you choose healthier foodsUnlabeling
Allows you to monitor the energy value of foodCalorie, Carb & Fat Counter
Helps identify non-recommended ingredientsOpen Food Facts

What Should Be Included on Food Labels

Food labels play a fundamental role in providing essential information about the products we consume. But to ensure a healthy diet and make conscious choices, it is important to know what should appear on food labels. However, below we present the mandatory elements and some important information that you should find on food labels.

Nutritional information

One of the most important elements on food labels is nutritional information. But this section provides data on the amount of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals present in the food.

Expiry Date and Batch

In addition to nutritional information, food labels must indicate the expiration date and batch of the product. The expiration date informs when the food is safe for consumption, while the batch identifies the specific batch of the product, being useful in case of recalls or food safety problems.

Ingredient List

The list of ingredients is another mandatory element on food labels. But it presents all the product's components, listed in descending order of quantity. This means that the most abundant ingredients are at the beginning of the list.

Warnings about Allergenic Ingredients

Food labels must contain specific warnings for allergenic ingredients. These alerts aim to inform consumers about the presence of substances that may cause allergic reactions in some people. But it is important to read labels carefully to avoid consuming foods that may trigger allergies.

Origin of Products

This information is especially relevant when it comes to meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and other foods whose origin may influence the quality or safety of the product. Checking the origin of your food can help you choose more sustainable and safe options.

By knowing and understanding what should it contain on food labels, you will be more prepared to make healthy and conscious choices. Then. Reading and correctly interpreting information on labels is essential for taking care of your diet and maintaining a balanced life.

Mandatory ElementsImportant informations
Nutritional informationExpiration date
Ingredient ListProduct Batch
Warnings about Allergenic IngredientsOrigin of Products


Reading food labels correctly is essential to making healthier choices. When evaluating information such as nutritional table, the list of ingredients and the origin of the product, it is possible to make more conscious decisions regarding food. Therefore, pay attention to expiration dates and warnings about allergenic ingredients. Prioritize foods low in saturated fats, trans fats and sodium. To maintain a balanced diet, look for foods with a high dietary fiber content.

Additionally, there are apps that can facilitate the process of reading food labels and provide detailed information about products. But some popular examples include Desrotulando, Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter, and Open Food Facts. These apps allow you to scan food barcodes and provide nutritional data, ingredients and allergen alerts, helping you make more informed decisions.

But with this information in mind, you can make the most of the benefits of food labels and take care of your health. Download the mentioned apps and start exploring the nutritional information of food in a practical and easy way.


What are food labels?

Food labels are tables that contain information about the amounts and types of nutrients present in foods and products.

Why is it important to read food labels?

Knowing how to read food labels makes decisions easier when choosing a product and ensuring a healthier diet.

What information must be present on food labels?

Mandatory information on food labels includes nutritional information, expiration date, batch and list of ingredients. In addition, warnings about allergenic ingredients and the origin of the products must also be indicated.

What is nutritional information on food labels?

Nutritional information must be indicated within a table and must contain the amounts of calories, total fat and allergenic ingredients.

What is the serving size on food labels?

The serving size is the average amount of food that a healthy adult should consume and is used as the basis for the nutritional information on the label.

What are calories on food labels?

Calories are the amount of energy that carbohydrates, proteins and fats in food provide to the body.

What are carbohydrates on food labels?

Carbohydrates are macronutrients that provide energy for the body.

What are proteins on food labels?

Proteins are necessary for the production of hormones and for the development and maintenance of organ health.

What are total fats on food labels?

Total fat is the sum of all types of fat in products.

What are saturated fats on food labels?

Saturated fats are found mainly in foods of animal origin.

What are trans fats on food labels?

Trans fats are only found in processed foods.

What is fiber on food labels?

Fibers are nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals.

What is sodium on food labels?

Sodium is a mineral present in table salt, but it can also be added to many processed foods.

What is the daily value on food labels?

The daily value is represented as %VD and indicates the percentage of nutrients that should be consumed per day to maintain a healthy diet.

What is the ingredient list on food labels?

The list of ingredients informs the components present in the product and must be in descending order, with the ingredients in greater quantities at the beginning of the list and the ingredients in smaller quantities at the end.

What is front labeling on food labels?

Front labeling must appear on the packaging of all foods high in added sugar, saturated fat or sodium.

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