Learn How to Calculate Your Body Fat Percentage


Would you like to know what your body fat percentage is? It is important to calculate this value to monitor your health and ensure a healthy life. In this article, we will show you how to calculate your body fat percentage, step by step. We'll also share some tips, examples, and even some apps useful to assist in this calculation.

To calculate your body fat percentage, you need to take into account factors such as your gender, as the ideal body fat percentage varies. For women, the ideal is to have 14 to 31% of body fat, while for men, the ideal is to have 6 to 24%.


There are professional methods for calculate fat percentage, such as anthropometric measurement, which involves the assessment of body measurements by a professional health. However, it is also possible to use simpler methods at home, such as measuring skinfolds or using a bioimpedance scale.


Furthermore, there are apps available that can help with this calculation. One of the apps recommended is Plixi, which has features to calculate body fat percentage and track progress over time. Another useful app is Body Measurement & BMI Tracker, which offers a body fat percentage calculator and also allows you to monitor other body measurements such as Body Mass Index (BMI). You can also try the Body Fat % Muscle and Calories app, which provides a variety of tools to help with fat management. health and body weight control.

Now that you know how to calculate your body's body fat percentage, take advantage of these tips and resources to track your health in an efficient and practical way. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for specific guidance and an accurate assessment.

How to calculate fat percentage

There are different methods for calculate fat percentage body. A anthropometric measurement is a technique that involves measuring circumferences and skinfolds in specific regions of the body to estimate body fat. Already the bioimpedance uses a special scale that, in addition to measuring weight, also calculates the amount of water, muscle, bone mass and fat in the body. Other methods, such as body scanners 3D and hydrostatic weighing can also be used, but they are more expensive and less accessible.

For calculate fat percentage body using the anthropometric measurement, precise measurements of skinfolds in strategic areas of the body are required. It is recommended that this type of measurement be carried out by a trained professional, such as a nutritionist or physical educator. These professionals have the necessary knowledge to carry out the measurements correctly, ensuring the accuracy of the results.


Already the bioimpedance It is a more practical and accessible option for calculating body fat percentage. Through the use of a bioimpedance scale, it is possible to obtain an estimate of the percentage of body fat, in addition to other important information such as muscle mass and the amount of water in the body. A bioimpedance scale uses advanced technology to send a light electrical current through the body, measuring the resistance offered by adipose tissue. Based on this information, the scale calculates your body fat percentage.

In addition to these methods, there are also prediction formulas which can be used to calculate body fat percentage. These formulas take into account variables such as weight, height, sex and age to perform the calculation. However, it is important to remember that these formulas may have a margin of error, as they do not take into account individual differences in fat distribution.

Although the body scanners Although 3D and hydrostatic weighing are more accurate methods for calculating body fat percentage, they are less affordable and generally not available for home use. Therefore, anthropometric measurement and the use of scales with bioimpedance are the most viable options for most people.

In the next topic, we will discuss ideal body fat values for women and men. This way, you will be able to have a reference to evaluate your own results.

Female and male body fat values

Ideal body fat values vary according to gender and there are different categories that must be considered in the assessment. It is important to know these values to ensure adequate health and promote well-being. Main categories include:

  • Essential fat: the minimum amount of fat necessary for the body to function properly. For women, this range varies from 10 to 13%, while for men it ranges from 2 to 5%.
  • Athletes: Individuals involved in intense physical activity and regular training generally have a lower body fat percentage compared to the general population. For female athletes, the ideal is to have a body fat percentage between 14 and 20%, while for male athletes it ranges from 6 to 13%.
  • Physical activity practitioners: people who exercise regularly, but are not professional athletes. The ideal body fat range for women who practice physical activities is 21 to 24%, while for men it ranges from 14 to 17%.
  • Acceptable: this category includes body fat values considered acceptable to most people. For women, the ideal range is 25 to 31%, while for men it ranges from 18 to 24%.
  • Obesity: when the percentage of body fat is above values considered healthy. For women, obesity is characterized by a body fat percentage above 32%, while for men it is above 25%.

Maintaining the percentage of body fat within ideal values is important to ensure the health and protection of internal organs, in addition to contributing to the maintenance of adequate body temperature. Regularly monitor these values and seek professional orientation These are essential steps to take care of your body and well-being.

Essential Applications

There are apps available that can help with calculating and tracking your body fat percentage. Some examples include:

  • Plixi: an intuitive application that allows you to calculate your body fat percentage in a simple and practical way.
  • Body Measurement & BMI Tracker: a complete application that offers several tools for tracking body measurements, including fat percentage.
  • Body Fat % Muscle and Calories: an application that allows you to calculate your body fat percentage, as well as providing information about muscle mass and calories.

These apps can be useful for monitoring body fat percentage and helping you achieve health and wellness goals. Download them from the Google Play Store and start taking care of your body in a practical and efficient way.

Plixi – Fat Calculator – Apps on Google Play

Monitors body measurements – Apps on Google Play

% Fat, muscle, calories – Apps on Google Play


Calculating your body fat percentage is essential for monitoring your health and ensuring a healthy life.
There are different methods to calculate this percentage, from anthropometric measurement to the use of bioimpedance scales.
It is important to seek the guidance of a healthcare professional to obtain an accurate assessment.
Furthermore, there are applications that can help with this process, such as Plixi, Body Measurement & BMI Tracker and Body Fat % Muscle and Calories.
These tools provide guidance and allow you to track and calculate your body fat percentage in a practical and accessible way.
Take care of your health and count on the help of specialized professionals.


How to calculate body fat percentage?

Body fat percentage can be calculated using different methods, such as anthropometric measurement, bioimpedance and body scanners. Seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is important to get an accurate assessment.

What are the ideal values for female and male body fat?

Ideal body fat values vary according to gender. For women, the ideal is to have 14 to 31% of body fat. For men, the ideal is to have 6 to 24% of body fat.

What is essential body fat?

Essential body fat is the minimum amount of fat necessary to ensure the health and protection of internal organs. For women, essential fat ranges from 10 to 13%, while for men it ranges from 2 to 5%.

What are the best apps to calculate body fat percentage?

Some useful apps for calculating body fat percentage are Plixi, Body Measurement & BMI Tracker and Body Fat % Muscle and Calories.

Why is calculating body fat percentage important?

Calculating your body fat percentage is essential for monitoring your health and ensuring a healthy life. Maintaining the fat percentage within ideal values helps protect internal organs and maintain adequate body temperature.