Find and Identify Plants with Ease


To help you find and identify plants quickly and easily, there are several apps available. Some of the most popular are the iNaturalist, PlantNet It is Flora. Those apps have a botanical database extensive and use image recognition algorithms to identify the name of the plant from a photo.

Additionally, they provide detailed information about plant characteristics and allow users to contribute to improving the database. You can download these apps for free on the Google Play Store via the following links:


Key points to remember:

  • There are several applications available to help you find and identify plants, such as iNaturalist, PlantNet and Flora.
  • These apps provide detailed information about the characteristics of plants.
  • You can download these apps for free from the Google Play Store.
  • PlantNet allows you to identify plants through photos.
  • iNaturalist and Flora are also popular options for plant identification, with additional features.

Find and Identify Plants by photo using PlantNet

PlantNet is an amazing app that allows you to identify plants through photos. With an extensive botanical database and advanced image recognition algorithms, PlantNet is an indispensable tool for botany and nature enthusiasts.


To start identifying plants with PlantNet, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download and install the PlantNet application on your cell phone. You can find the app on the Google Play Store through this link.
  2. Open the app and create a user account. This will allow you to save your identifications and contribute to the improvement of the PlantNet botanical database.
  3. Capture a photo of the plant you want to identify. Make sure the photo is clear and well lit for accurate results.
  4. In the app, click the “Identify” button and select the “Choose an image from gallery” option to upload the photo you captured.
  5. After loading the image, wait while PlantNet processes and analyzes the photo. The app's image recognition tool will compare the photo to the database and provide a list of possible results.
  6. Analyze the results and click on the options to get more information about the plant characteristics. PlantNet is capable of providing detailed information about plant species such as scientific name, family, habitat and more.
  7. If you are confident in the plant identification, you can also confirm the identification in the app, thus helping to improve the precision from the botanical database.

Now you're ready to explore the world of plants using PlantNet! Take photos of the plants you find on your walks, trips or even in your own garden, and let PlantNet reveal the secrets and details of each species. Download the app today and start your botanical journey!

Find and Identify Plants Using Other Apps

In addition to PlantNet, there are other popular apps available for plant identification, such as iNaturalist and the Flora. These options are great alternatives for those looking for additional features and a personalized experience.

O iNaturalist offers a comprehensive botanical database, allowing users to submit photos for identification. Furthermore, the application has an active community of nature enthusiasts who help with the correct identification of species. It is a great option for those looking for interaction and confirmation of identification of the plant through community contribution.

The application Flora goes beyond basic plant identification. It offers additional features such as plant organization in virtual gardens. This allows you to create your own collection of plants and access detailed information about each of them. Furthermore, Flora has an interesting feature that allows you to save photos without connection, so you can identify plants even when you're not connected to the internet.

Flora also offers an option to premium subscription, which provides additional information and exclusive resources such as growing tips and in-depth guides on different species. But if you want access to premium features and extra information, this option might be ideal for you.

With so many options available, you can choose the app that best suits your needs and preferences. The important thing is to explore and marvel at the diversity of brazilian flora, and these apps are the perfect tool to help you on that journey.


Apps like PlantNet, iNaturalist and Flora are useful tools for those who want to identify plants easily. These apps utilize advanced image recognition technology and have extensive botanical databases, which allows them to provide accurate answers. Additionally, they allow users to contribute to improving the database by confirming plant identification.

With these applications, you can discover the names of different plant species, obtain detailed information about their characteristics and even organize your own virtual garden. A ease of use and the precision These applications make plant identification accessible to anyone, even without prior knowledge of botany.

A community contribution is also an important aspect of these applications. By confirming plant identification, users help improve precision database and contribute to the knowledge and study of brazilian flora. In this way, the user community plays a fundamental role in the evolution of these tools.

In conclusion, you applications to identify plants like PlantNet, iNaturalist and Flora offer ease of use, accuracy and detailed information about plants. Download one of these apps today and start exploring the world of plants in an easy and fun way!


How can I identify a plant by name?

There are several apps available that allow you to identify plants by name. But some of the most popular are iNaturalist, PlantNet and Flora. These applications have an extensive botanical database and use image recognition algorithms to identify the plant from a photo.

What information do plant identification apps provide?

Plant identification apps provide detailed information about plant characteristics such as leaves, flowers, fruits, and growth habit. Furthermore, they can provide additional information about the nature of the species, such as its origin, habitat and medicinal properties.

Besides PlantNet, what other apps can I use to identify plants?

Não só o PlantNet, mas outros aplicativos populares para identificação de plantas são o iNaturalist e o Flora. O iNaturalist possui um banco de dados botânico abrangente e permite que os usuários enviem fotos para identificação. O Flora oferece recursos adicionais, como plant organization em jardins virtuais, capacidade de salvar photos without connection e uma opção de premium subscription que fornece informações adicionais e recursos exclusivos.

How can I contribute to improving the plant identification application database?

Plant identification applications allow users to contribute to improving the database by confirming plant identification. When you correctly identify a plant, you can confirm the identification and thus help validate the information in the database. Additionally, some apps, such as iNaturalist, allow users to upload photos of unknown plants so that other users and experts can help with identification.

Are plant identification applications only for Brazilian flora?

Não, os aplicativos de identificação de plantas possuem bancos de dados botânicos extensos e abrangentes, que incluem espécies de todo o mundo. Portanto, você pode usar esses applications to identify plants de diferentes regiões, não se limitando apenas à brazilian flora.