Best App to Identify Plants


The best Application to Identify Plants is an essential tool for enthusiasts of botany It is gardening. With the help of these apps like iNaturalist, PlantNet and Flora, you can identify plants by simply taking a photo with your smartphone. These apps have comprehensive databases that allow you to recognize and understand various types of plants, including plants with flowers, trees, grasses, conifers, ferns, vines and more. Additionally, they offer additional features such as filters by genus or family, differentiated data reviews, identification across multiple floras, and the ability to map their flora. comments. Download now iNaturalist, PlantNet and Flora to become an expert in botany It is gardening with ease It is precision.

Main points

  • Apps like iNaturalist, PlantNet and Flora allow you to identify plants by taking photos with your smartphone.
  • These applications have comprehensive databases that recognize different types of plants.
  • In addition to identification, applications offer additional features such as filters and mapping of comments.
  • Download iNaturalist, PlantNet and Flora now to become an expert in botany It is gardening.
  • Contribute to the expansion of databases by sharing your comments personal.

Pl@ntNet – Accurate Plant Identification

O Pl@ntNet is an innovative application that allows you to identify plants through photographs taken with your smartphone. Developed by scientists from around the world, the Pl@ntNet is an essential tool for understanding and preserving the plant biodiversity.


With a database that is constantly updated, the Pl@ntNet already recognizes around 20,000 species, but it is constantly growing. The more visual information you provide, such as sheets, flowers It is fruits, the more accurate the identification will be. However, any detail can be useful, such as thorns, shoots or hairs on the stems.


Pl@ntNet is also great for identifying cultivated plants, although its main objective is to inventory wild plants. Help scientific community and contribute your observations to expand the Pl@ntNet database.

So download Pl@ntNet now and become an expert in plant identification:

PlantNet Plant Identification – Apps on Google Play

iNaturalist – Community of Scientists and Naturalists

iNaturalist is a plant identification which has a global community of more than 400,000 scientists and naturalists. But with iNaturalist, you can discover new species, store information about your own discoveries and receive suggestions and discussions from the scientific community.

User contributions are essential for expanding scientific databases and for identifying and preserving flora. By sharing your personal observations, you are contributing to the advancement of botany and science. Download iNaturalist now and be part of this community of scientists and naturalists.

Download iNaturalist now from the Google Play Store to embark on this botanical journey and become an expert in plant identification. iNaturalist – Apps on Google Play


The applications iNaturalist, PlantNet It is Flora are the best choice when it comes to plant identification. With advanced features visual recognition and comprehensive databases, they offer the accuracy and ease you need to become an expert in botany and gardening.

With just a few photos, you can identify and learn about several species of plants, also helping to preserve biodiversity. But these apps are indispensable for botany and gardening enthusiasts, offering an easy and accurate way to identify plants.

Download iNaturalist, PlantNet and Flora now from the Google Play Store to embark on this botanical journey and become an expert in plant identification. Appreciate the ease and accuracy of these apps and discover the fascinating flora around you.


How do plant identification apps work?

Os aplicativos de identificação de plantas utilizam técnicas de visual recognition para identificar diferentes tipos de plantas. Você pode tirar uma foto da planta desejada usando o smartphone e o aplicativo comparará essa imagem com seu banco de dados para fornecer informações sobre a espécie. Alguns aplicativos também permitem filtrar as plantas por gênero ou família, além de oferecer recursos adicionais, como revisões de dados diferenciadas e a capacidade de mapear suas observações.

What are the best plant identification apps available?

Os melhores aplicativos de identificação de plantas são o iNaturalist, PlantNet e Flora. Esses aplicativos possuem bancos de dados abrangentes e oferecem recursos avançados de visual recognition, proporcionando a precisão e a facilidade necessárias para identificar diversas espécies de plantas. Além disso, eles também são ótimos para aprender sobre a brazilian flora e contribuir para a preservação da biodiversidade.

Can I use plant identification apps to identify cultivated plants?

Sim, os aplicativos de identificação de plantas também são úteis para identificar cultivated plants. Embora seu objetivo principal seja inventariar as plantas silvestres, eles podem reconhecer diferentes tipos de plantas, incluindo aquelas cultivadas em jardins ou vasos. Portanto, se você estiver buscando informações sobre uma planta que você cultiva, esses aplicativos também podem te ajudar.

What are the benefits of sharing my observations on plant identification apps?

Compartilhar suas observações nos aplicativos de identificação de plantas, como o iNaturalist, permite que você faça parte de uma comunidade global de cientistas e naturalistas. Ao compartilhar suas discoveries e informações, você está contribuindo para a ampliação dos bancos de dados científicos e para a identificação e preservação da flora. Além disso, você pode receber sugestões e discussions from the scientific community, o que ajuda no aprendizado e no aprimoramento da sua própria experiência na botânica.

Are plant identification apps only available for smartphones?

Yes, plant identification apps are only available for smartphones. They are designed to take advantage of smartphone cameras, allowing you to take photos of plants and use them for identification. Therefore, to use these applications, you must have a compatible smartphone.