See pictures of your past life


The idea of past lives and reincarnation has fascinated humanity for centuries.

Many cultures around the world believe that our soul goes through several incarnations, each with its own story and lessons.


If you've ever wondered who you were in a past life or want to explore that possibility, modern technology can help.


In this article, we will introduce you to the three best apps that will help you delve into your past and discover images from your past life.

PastLives – Discover your Past Lives

The PastLives app is a fascinating tool that uses Vedic astrology to reveal details about your past lives.

Vedic astrology is an ancient tradition from India that focuses on the connection between the planets, zodiac signs, and past lives.

With PastLives, you can enter your birth details and get a detailed analysis about your past lives.

The app will provide information about your past personality, talents and challenges you may have faced in past lives.


Furthermore, it offers the possibility of seeing visual representations of past lives, allowing for an immersive and enlightening experience.

Numerology – Life Path


Numerology is another valuable tool for exploring your past life and understanding your soul's purpose in this incarnation.

The “Numerology – Path of Life” app offers a unique approach to discovering your past lives through numbers.

Based on your date of birth and name, the app calculates your life path number and then reveals information about past lives associated with that number.

You can learn about the lessons your soul is destined to learn and the experiences that may have shaped your spiritual journey.

Numerology is a powerful tool for those looking to better understand their life path.

Photo Past Lives


The “Foto Vidas Passadas” app is a unique approach to exploring past lives.

It allows you to upload a photo of yourself and then uses advanced algorithms to create a visual representation of what you might have looked like in past lives.

Although it is not a scientific method, many users report fascinating experiences when viewing images of themselves in different eras and historical contexts.

This app provides a creative and fun way to speculate about who you might have been in your past lives.


Exploring your past lives can be an exciting and enlightening journey, allowing you to better understand your own spiritual history.

The apps mentioned in this article, such as PastLives, Numerologia – Caminho da Vida and Foto Vidas Passadas, offer different approaches to this exploration.

Please remember that these tools are primarily for entertainment and personal reflection purposes, and interpretation of results should be done with an open mind.

Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, these apps can add a fascinating layer to your quest for self-knowledge and spiritual growth.

So don't hesitate to try them out and find out a little more about who you could have been in your past lives.

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