Regress and discover past life experiences


If you believe in reincarnation and are curious, do a regression and discover experiences of previous lives by cell phone.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in mobile application development.


Among these, there are those who claim to have the ability to reveal information about past lives.


These apps capture the curiosity and fascination of many people looking for answers about their existence and past connections.

It is important to emphasize that there is no scientific proof of its effectiveness or accuracy in revealing past lives.

Still, they spark discussions and reflections on the nature of human consciousness and the possibility of previous existences.

In this way, they end up providing a personal and sometimes even emotional experience for users.

The interpretation of these experiences must be done with a critical eye and respect for the different perspectives that exist.

Past Life Regression & Reincarnation


The “Past Life Regression & Reincarnation” application is an example of one of the many applications available on the market that purport to reveal information about past lives.

This type of application often provides an interactive experience.

Thus allowing users to immerse themselves in a past life regression session through hypnosis techniques or guided visualization.

These apps often ask users to provide personal information.

Like name and date of birth, and then they use algorithms or esoteric approaches to provide an alleged narrative of past lives.

Through images, stories or descriptions, users can find themselves in different historical periods, in different roles and identities.

However, it is important to emphasize that these apps lack scientific validation and there is no concrete evidence that they can actually access authentic information about past lives.

Past life regression is a controversial and widely debated area of study in the scientific community.

Many experts argue that reported experiences can be influenced by cues, personal beliefs, false memories, and even creative fantasies.

Despite their lack of scientific backing, these apps can spark the imagination and provide an intriguing experience for users.

So some individuals may find value in this type of personal exploration.

Whether as a form of entertainment or as an opportunity for reflection and self-knowledge.

Past Life Regression Hypnosis


The “Past Life Regression Hypnosis” app is an example of an app that purports to guide users through a hypnosis session to explore past lives.

These apps generally follow a similar structure, although the specifics may vary from one app to another.

Upon opening the app, users are presented with an interface that offers options and settings to customize their experience.

Finally, it can include audio selection, time settings and relaxation options.

Once the user has set their preferences, they are led through a guided hypnosis session.

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness where the person is in a relaxed and focused state, allowing for greater receptivity to suggestions and visualizations.

During the hypnosis session, a voice guide in the app will provide instructions for relaxation and visualization.

Finally, this may involve creating a calm and safe mental environment, inducing muscle relaxation, and suggesting imagining scenarios and experiences related to past lives.

So the purpose of the application is to help users access supposed memories of past lives through this hypnotic state.

In this way they can be guided to imagine specific scenes, events, people or details from their past lives.

Regress and discover past life experiences with these tips.

Applications Download

