Find out if your baby is a boy or a girl using your cell phone


If you are pregnant and find yourself anxious for information about the child, find out if your baby is a boy or a girl through your cell phone.

Currently, there are applications that promise to help pregnant women find out the sex of their babies in a simple and quick way.


However, despite the ease that these applications offer, many of them do not have any scientific evidence or reliability.


This can generate expectations and frustrations in future mothers.

Therefore, it is essential to seek adequate medical advice for determining the baby's gender.

Through examinations and analyzes carried out by trained professionals.

In this context, it is essential to understand that the health of the pregnant woman and the baby depends on specialized medical care, follow-up and guidance.

Therefore, these applications should not be used as definitive and reliable sources of information.

Baby Gender Prediction – Chinese Calendar

Baby Gender Prediction – Chinese Calendar app is based on an ancient Chinese theory.

Which supposedly allows you to predict the sex of the baby based on the mother's lunar age and the month in which conception took place.

The theory behind the Chinese calendar is that each lunar month has a unique combination of yin and yang energy, which can affect the sex of the baby conceived that month.

The theory states that if a woman conceives during a specific lunar month.

She will be more likely to have a male or female baby, depending on the yin and yang combination of that month.

The app prompts the mother to enter her date of birth and the date of conception (or expected date of conception) of the baby.

Based on this information, the app uses the Chinese calendar to determine whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

However, it is important to emphasize that there is no scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of this theory or the app in accurately predicting the sex of the baby.

Baby Gender Predictor – Is it a boy or girl

The Baby Gender Predictor – Is it a boy or girl app is another app that claims to be able to predict the baby's gender based on various theories and methods.

This app uses a combination of factors, including the mother's age at conception.

The date of the last menstruation, the fetal heart rate and the appearance of the belly.

For example, one theory used by this app is that fetal heart rate can be used to predict the baby's gender.

According to this theory, if the fetal heart rate is greater than 140 beats per minute.

The baby will be a girl, and if it's less than 140 beats per minute, it will be a boy.

However, this theory has no proven scientific basis and should not be considered reliable for predicting the sex of the baby.

Another theory used by the app is that the appearance of the mother's belly can be used to predict the baby's gender.

According to this theory, if the mother's belly is high and pointed, the baby will be a girl, and if it is low and wide, it will be a boy.

However, this theory also has no proven scientific basis.

It is important to remember that these theories and methods used by the application are not scientifically proven.

And they should not be used to make important decisions related to the health of the baby.

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