Find out who you were in past lives


If you believe in reincarnation or are simply curious, find out about apps so you can discover who you were in past lives.

There are many entertainment apps available that claim to be able to reveal who you were in a past life.


These apps often use astrology, numerology or mediumship as the basis for their results.


While these apps can be fun and interesting to use.

It is important to remember that they have no scientific basis and that their conclusions should be considered entertainment only.

Furthermore, the idea of reincarnation and past lives is a controversial and scientifically unproven topic.

Therefore, these apps should not be taken seriously as a way to determine your past history.

Who Were You in Your Past Life?


The “Who Were You in Your Past Life?”

It's an entertainment app for Android that offers you the possibility to find out who you would have been in a past life.

The app uses data like your date of birth and your name to provide you with information about your past life.

Upon launching the app, you are taken to a splash screen.

Where you can enter your personal data, such as name and date of birth.

After entering the information, the application does a short analysis and.

It then displays a photo that supposedly represents you in your past life.

Then the app gives you information about your past life such as your profession, place of birth and death.

The app also shows you a brief description of the life you would have led and some of the major achievements you would have achieved.

The app uses a simple formula to generate the information about your past life.

Taking into account your date of birth and other information you have provided.

However, it is important to remember that these results are for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered absolute facts or truths.

Past Life Regression Hypnosis


The “Past Life Regression Hypnosis” app is a guided meditation tool for exploring your past lives.

It is designed to help users relax and reach a deep meditative state.

Where they can access information about their past lives.

Upon launching the application, the user is taken to a splash screen.

Where you can choose from several guided meditation sessions.

Each session is designed to help the user explore a specific past life or a significant event from their past life.

The user is then guided through a series of audio instructions, which help them to relax and focus.

The audio is designed to help the user reach a deep meditative state.

Where they can access information about their past lives.

During meditation, the user may experience images or sensations related to their past lives.

Some examples are: seeing vivid images of places they have already visited.

Feeling emotions related to past events or hearing voices they recognize from a past life.

At the end of the session, the user is brought into a smooth transition to the conscious state.

And the audio ends with instructions to help you refocus on the present moment.

It is important to remember that the idea of past lives is a spiritual belief that has no scientific evidence.

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